Delegations approved by the Leader of the Council – 25 May 2021


(a)       names of the County Councillors appointed to the Cabinet


The Cabinet comprises the following members




Strategic Management and Economic Development

Councillor Keith Glazier

Resources and Climate Change

Councillor Nick Bennett


Councillor Rupert Simmons

Transport and Environment

Councillor Claire Dowling

Adult Social Care and Health

Councillor Carl Maynard

Children and Families (designated statutory Lead Member for Children’s Services)

Councillor Bob Bowdler

Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Councillor Bob Standley


(b)       the extent of any authority delegated to cabinet members individually as portfolio holders will remain as set out in the Constitution of  the County Council or alternatively hard copies are available at County Hall, Lewes (please contact Andy Cottell – 01273 481955) and below.


In overall terms the areas of responsibility for each portfolio holder includes the following (subject to any subsequent amendment by the Leader at his discretion) principal services to be interpreted broadly. In accordance with the wishes of the Leader, principal services are not to be construed restrictively. In the event of any doubt in connection to a decision made by a Lead Member, the Leader confirms that he has delegated full executive authority to that decision maker:

















Strategic Management and Economic Development

·         Chairing and managing the executive and its work


·         Any executive function including overall strategy and policy for the Council


·         Principal service area responsibilities:


Local Enterprise Partnership

Policy and Performance

East Sussex Better Together/Health and Wellbeing Board


South East Seven Partnership

Transport for South East (SNTB)

Democratic Services


all ancillary activities

Resources and Climate Change

·         Any executive function including strategy and policy for all corporate resources matters


·         Principal service area responsibilities:

Financial Management

Property asset management

Risk management


Internal audit


Personnel and Training



Coroner services

Council lead on Climate Change


all ancillary activities


·         Any executive function including strategy and policy for all economic development and regeneration and all ancillary activities


·         Principal service area responsibilities

Economic Development


Skills (shared with Education)

all ancillary activities

Trading Standards



Transport and Environment

·         Any executive function including strategy and policy for all Transport and Environmental matters


·         Principal service area responsibilities:

Operational services

Planning and developmental control

Transport strategy

Archives and records

Customer Services

Emergency Planning

Gypsies and travellers


Registration Services

Road Safety

Environmental and waste strategy

all ancillary activities


Adult Social Care and Health

·         Any executive function including strategy and policy for all Adult Social Care and Public Health matters


·         Principal service area responsibilities:

Services for vulnerable adults including older people, learning disability, physical disability, mental health, public health and all ancillary activities

Community Safety

Voluntary Sector


Children and Families

·         Any executive function including overall strategy and policy for all Children’s Services (social care) matters


·         Principal service area responsibilities:

Child protection and family support

Fostering and adoption for children

Residential care for children

Other aspects of social care for children

Youth justice

Youth service

all ancillary activities

Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability




·         Any executive function including strategy and policy for all Children’s Services (education) matters


·         Principal service area responsibilities:

Quality and standards in educational establishments

Special educational needs

School admissions and transport

Early years and childcare

School organisation and place planning

Skills (shared with Economy)

all ancillary activities




(c)        appointment to the position of Deputy Leader


Councillor Bennett to be appointed Deputy Leader of the County Council


(d)       the terms of reference and constitution of the Cabinet and any executive committees together with the names of cabinet members appointed to them


The terms of reference and constitution of the Cabinet and any executive committees will remain as currently set out in the Constitution of the Council


(e)       the nature and extent of any delegation of executive functions to local committees

There is no delegation of executive functions to local committees

(f)         the nature and extent of any delegation to officers


The delegations of executive functions to Officers will be as set out in the Constitution. The delegations to Officers can be viewed via the following link:

Constitution - Delegations to Officers

 or alternatively hard copies are available at County Hall, Lewes (please contact Andy Cottell – 01273 481955)


Urgent Executive Decisions


There were no executive decisions taken during 2020/21 where the making of the decision was agreed in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.



Councillor Keith Glazier

Leader of the Council